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South Of, 34 Milltown Road Donaghcloney, BT66 7NE

Offers around £150,000

Key Information

Address South Of, 34 Milltown Road Donaghcloney, BT66 7NE
Price Offers around £150,000
Land type Agricultural Land (with no PP)
Size 0.8 acres
Planning No Planning Permission
Status For sale


  • Paddock extending to approximately 0.8 acres including a stable yard
  • Detached purpose built barn with 7 stables, loose boxes, self drinker, self feeder, kitchen, toilet facilities, office, electric roller shutter door and secure garaging for horse boxes or lorries.
  • Barn features 3 phase electrics
  • Concrete yard. Fully fenced

A delightful paddock with adjoining stable yard and purpose built barn with loose boxes and garage,  wonderfully positioned on the very desirable Milltown Road which previously had outline planning permission passed for a detached dwelling. The Milltown Road  is well located for neighbouring towns and villages including the cricketing villages of Donaghcloney and Waringstown, with their local amenities and primary schools. The lands will certainly appeal in the current market and provides a unique opportunity in this much admired and sought after exclusive location.